Wetland in Drylands – an ARS report to MDBA
On the 3rd of June 2009 the Society held a one day workshop at CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems in Canberra on the water ecosystems in rangeland landscapes of the Murray Darling Basin. A number of members attended in addition to scientists and members of the wider community.
The worshop was facilitated by Sarah Ryan a member of ARS. The MDBA financially supported the workshop. The report was prepared soon after by Sarah and delivered to the MDBA at the end of June.
The Society gratefully acknowledges the financial and scientific support of the MDBA, the input of the participants and the facilitation and report preparation by Sarah.
The title of the report is “Wetlands in Drylands – Extending Rangelands and Ecosystem Services Thinking to Water Ecosystems in Dry Landscapes of the Murray-Darling Basin”. Click here to download a copy.
If you wish to refer to the report in a publication please access the report through the MBDA website.