16th Biennial Conference Papers 2010

16th ARS Biennial Conference Papers 2010

Papers can be viewed by clicking the title.

Authors A – K

Authors L – Z

Disclaimer: These papers have not been refereed by the Conference Program Committee. The content of each paper is the responsibility of its authors. The committee has formatted all abstracts and papers to a common style.

Authors Title of paper Keywords
Addison, J., Friedel, M., Davies, J., Tiver, F., Bastin, G. The risky business of designing land tenure policy in the Gobi Desert variability, pastoral , climate
Agnew, D.C., Patrick, G.P.J., Arnold, B.K. A framework for the management of feral goats in semi-arid South Australia unmanaged goats, collaboration, integrated management
Alemsegred, Y., Hacker, R.B., Smith, W.J., Melville, G.J. Evaluating short term cropping for restoration of native perennial grasslands in western NSW INS, restoration, grasslands
Alexander, J. Rivers and the Murray Darling Basin rangelands rivers, water reform, Murray Darling Basin
Barnes, P., Trotter, M., Lamb, D., Wilson, B., Reid, N., Lockwood, P., Koen, T. Using active optical sensing of biomass to investigate the effect of scattered trees on native perennial pastures remote sensing, green pasture biomass, NDVI
Bastin, G., Schmidt, M., O’Reagain, P., Karfs, R. Reporting change in landscape function using the Queensland ground cover index dysfunction, regional reporting, remote sensing
Bishop-Hurley, G.J., Swain, D.L., Crossman, C., Valencia, P. Monitoring and managing the use of riparian areas by cattle environmental protection, GPS, automated animal control
Brennan, G.A. Pastoralists in the arid shrublands of Western Australia name the ‘elephant in the room’ kangaroos, grazing, shrublands
Bridle, A., Harris, C. A risk to groundwater from coal seam gass extraction in the Surat Basin coal seam gas, Surat Basin, agriculture
Caddy, H., Gross, C.L., Whalley, R.D.B., Price, J.N. Biotic and abiotic thresholds to recovery of degraded spring wetland communities grazing, soil seedbank, novel ecosystems
Cadzow, R. Is rehabilitation profitable? ponding, rehabilitation, cost
Campbell, R. Engaging communities for research on contentious issues community engagement, invasive native scrub, research
Chuk, M. Invasive cacti: a threat to the rangelands of Australia cacti, invasive , rangelands
Compton, E. Engaging landholders in managing areas of high conservation value in the Western Catchment conservation, landholders, engaging
Compton, E., Shepherd, R., Moss, J. Ecological and social resilience in Western NSW: Insight from seven years of enterprise based conservation conservation, community, resilience
Cooper, N. Lynray Quandong (Santalum acuminatum) Orchard Establishment Santalum acuminatum, quandong, Australian native foods
Cooper, N., Webber, L., Nicolson, K. Conservation Partners for the National Reserve System Program: a Western NSW focus Western NSW, conservation, protected areas
Dall, D.J. The Australian Pest Animal Strategy management, pest, animal
Daryanto, S., Eldridge, D.J. Shrub removal and grazing alter the spatial distribution of infiltrability in a shrub-encroached woodland infiltration, spatial pattern, distribution
Dennis, E., Russell, L., Edwards, G. Feral camels in the Australian rangelands Indigenous, biodiversity protection, camel harvesting
Doudle, S., Williams, W. Can we kick-start mining rehabilitation with cyanobacterial crusts? mining, rehabilitation, cyanobacteria
Drouler, P., Kneipp, K. Demonstrating implementation of invasive native scrub property vegetation plans INS, PVPs, demonstration implementation
Eldridge, D.J., Val, J., Roger, E., Rankin, M., Travers, S., Soliveres, S. Plant facilitation under trees and shrubs along a degradation gradient facilitation, competition, woody weeds
Eringa, K.P., Wittber, N.C. Beyond Black Stumps: fostering improved ecological and economic outcomes on Aboriginal held pastoral stations Aboriginal, pastoralism, economic
Ferguson, J. A journey into the future of the Australian rangelands songlines, rangelands, regional economies
Finlayson, G., Hacker, R., Smith, W. Making better use of grazing charts in rangeland grazing enterprises grazing charts, seasonal risk, planned grazing
Fitzhardinge, G. Woody weeds, wabbits and weconstruction: Australia’s rangelands: A future vision pastoralism, interdisciplinary rseearch, community attitudes
Forrest, K., Gavin, J., Green, D., Chuk, M., Warren, B. Putting our heads together collaboration, synergy, outcomes
Foulkes, J.N., White, I.A., Lowe, A.J. A national scientific reference site network within the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, site stratification and establishment methods biodiversity, rangelands, reference sites
Fraser, G.W., Day, K.A., Carter, J.O., McKeon, G.M. Rain on the rangelands: how intense is it? rainfall intensit, runoff , climate change
Gardiner, B. Rainfall use efficiency, natural resource management and profitable production in the rangelands rainfall, use, efficiency
Gordon, B., Barnes, P. Western Catchment aboriginal knowledge system- through our eyes: aboriginal knowledge, past present future Aboriginal knowledge systems, sustainable land, Aboriginal language groups
Hassett, R., Peart, P., Bourne, G., Cannon, M., Barber, D. Guidelines for determining lease land condition-Queensland’s Delbessie Agreement (State Rural Leasehold Land Strategy) condition, assessment, Queensland
Higgins, V., Cheal, S. Conserving artesian water for future generations Great Artesian Basin, sustainability, bores
Hodgkinson, K.C. Perennial grass survival in drought semi-arid grasslands, tillers, death
Hodgkinson, K.C., Muller, W.J., Hacker, R.B., Johnston, P.W. Tactical grazing: an evaluation in easter semi-arid woodlands drought, grass, plant density
Jeffries, S. People, land, opportunity: marrying Indigenous land management and economic development in the rangelands land management, indigenous, economic development
Kwok, A.B.C., Eldridge, D.J.

Shrub-resident arthroods in an Eremophila and Senna-dominated shrubland

arthropod, shrub, resources


L – Z

Lauder, A. Rest after rainfall: the carbon grazing story carbon flows, resilience, strategic pasture rest
Lillecrapp, D. A landholder’s perspective of land restoration on Todmorden Station, Oodnadatta SA rehydration, practicalities, partnerships
MacLeod, N.D., Kearney, F.C., Spooner, H., Woods, M. Conservation of critically endangered wildlife species-scope for private landholder and citizens’ action Bridled Nailtail Wallaby, conservation, private grazing land
McMurtrie, A., Sandow, J., Theakson, P. A comparative analysis of two feral goat management methods commonly used in the Cobar district to restore native groundcover feral goat, total grazing pressure, harvesting operation
Melrose, R.T. Inundation patterns and vegetation responses in the Paroo and Warrego catchments using multi-temporal Radar remote sensing Paroo, remote sensing, wetlands
Mitchell, K., Tighe, M., Thompson, R. Waterspreading to restore native grasslands waterspreading, environmental, invasive native scrub
Moss, J., Sinden, J., Stayner, R. Estimating the cost of protecting biodiversity on privately managed properties in the Australian Rangelands trade-offs, conservation, private costs
Muir, C. Pera Bore Experiment Farm: Greening the ‘Howling Desert’ Artesian water, history of science, experiment farms
Olupot, G., Barnes, P., Daniel, H., Lockwood, P., McHenry, M., McLeod, M., Kristiansen, P., King, K. Can root biomass of grasses in NSW be predicted from shoot biomass yields? species differences, photoassimilated carbon, root:shoot rations
O’Reagain, P., Bushell, J. Long-term profitability and sustainability of grazing strategies in a tropical savanna in north Queensland stocking rate, rainfall variability, pasture density
Orr, D.M., Silcock, R.G. The occurence and causes of episodic recruitment of Astrebla spp. episodic recruitment, El Nino Southern Oscillation, Astrebla spp.
Pringle, H. Understanding rangelands as dynamic catchment ecosystems hierarchy, geomorphology, soil moisture balance
Robinson, V., Spencer, W. Aboriginal representation and participation in caring for country Aboriginal culture, managment, caring for country
Russell, B.G., Letnic, M., Fleming, P.J.S. Manipulating feral goat access to water in the rangelands feral goat, access to water, pest animal management
Scanlan, J.C., Whish, G.L., Pahl, L., Cowley, R.A., MacLeod, N.D. The Northern Grazing Systems Project: Estimating safe stocking rate utilisation rate, extensive grazing, simulation modelling
Schmidt, A A journey down the Warrego Warrego River, floodplain, flood
Shepherd, R. Changes in gully erosion along the Upper Burdekin River frontage in north Queensland gully erosion, remote sensing, GBR
Silcock, R.G., Taylor, K.M. Adapting to climate change: concentrate on getting the basics of property management right grazing pressure, business plan, distractions
Simond, G. Quantum innovation in measuring, monitoring and managing ecological function on large scales, reliably and affordably monitoring, function, GIS/Remote Sensing
Sinclair, R., Graetz, D. Eighty-three years of vegetation change on the TGB Osborn Vegetation Reserve, Koonamore Koonamore, monitoring, video
Squires, J., Sherriff, C. Showcasing innovative practices-Australian Pastoral Property Innovation Manual Bestprac, innovation, network
Stone, G.S., Day, K.A., Carter, J.O., Bruget, D.N., Panjkov, A.A. The AussieGRASS Environmental Calculator: its application in Australian grasslands modelling, climate change impacts, emissions
Thompson, R. Marra Creek Waterponding Program: Rehabilitating scalded rangelands waterponding, rehabilitation, scalded
Timms, B. Rainpools of the rangelands: hidden diversity and episodic production diverse, productive , invertebrates
Travers, S.K., Eldridge, D.J. Post-fire litter accumulation under mallee canopies in south-western NSW litter, mallee, fire
Wakelin-King, G., Green, G. Contour Furrowing: Local Landscape Processes Determine Results range rehabilitation, runon-runoff, geomorphology
Walsh, D., Cowley, R. Can sustainable pasture utilisation rates be derived from commercial paddock data in the Northern Territory? utilisation rates, land condition, carrying capacity
Walton, J., Pringle, H.J.R. The Ecosystem Management Understandig (EMU) pilot project: building landscape literacy using local knowledge to improve rangeland health in the Neales River Catchment of South Australia effective, landscape, management
Ware, S.E., Noad, W. The Western Division Newsletter-An Effective Ranagelands Communication Tool communication, Western Division Newsletter, extension
Waters, C., Nairn, L., Melville, G. Using soil seed banks to guide large-scale floodplain restoration in the Macquarie Marshes wetlands, regeneration, native vegetation
Watson, I., Novelly, P. Transitions across thresholds in Western Australian grazed rangelands state, vegetation dynamics, range monitoring
Welch, R., Kossler, M. Resolving the manager’s dilemma: utilizing an integrated approach to attain complementary objectives of conservation and cash flow management, integration, balance
Westbrooke, M.E., Christie, F.J., Cook, S., Florentine, S.K., Gell, P., Graz, P. Biodiversity impacts of ground tank closure in southeast Australian rangelands biodiversity, water point, grazing presure
Whalley, R.D.B., Price, J.N., Macdonald, M.J., Berney, P.J. The impact of Lippia on the social-ecological systems of the Gwydire Wetlands, and Macquarie Marshes in northern NSW Murray Darling Basin, weed invasion, grazing management
Williams, W., Reichenberger, H., Rose, N., Budel, B. Cyanobacteria highly active during the wet season: a long-term study at Boodjamulla National Park, north-west Queesland cyanobacterial crusts, carbon , sequestration
Wilson, J. Effects of artificial watering points on rangeland bird communities birds, water, assemblages