Welcome to the mid-year edition of the Range Management Newsletter
Welcome to the mid-year edition of the Range Management Newsletter
In his latest President’s column, David Phelps focusses on the Society’s presence at the recent International Rangeland Congress.
The Australian Rangeland Society and the rangeland community have been diminished by the passing of Dr Steve Blake on 3 August 2016.
Need funding for rangeland related study or travel? Applications for the next round of the ARS Travel Awards and Scholarships close on the 30 November. Check out the guidelines to see if you qualify.
Sarah McDonald received an ARS Travel Grant to attend the 2016 International Rangeland Congress. Read her report on the conference, and her other travels while in the US and Canada.
Don Burnside and Bob Shepherd took part in the 7 day pre-Congress tour across the south western Canadian Prairies and learnt a lot about the ranches, research sites, First Nations’ heritage areas, and national parks in the area.
The Australian Rangeland Society held its Annual General Meeting via teleconference on Wednesday 25th May, 2016.
A new publication has just been released which showcases the results from a four-year long, WA-wide carbon awareness project.
The next Australian Rangeland Society Biennial Conference will be held in Port Augusta, South Australia from 24th – 28th September 2017.
The next SRM annual meeting is coming up in early 2017. See here for further details.
Memberships were due on 31st March! Please renew your membership via our website to regain your rights and privileges as a member of the Society.
Need to contact the ARS? Find everyone’s contact details here.