The 2019 Australian Rangelands Conference will be held on from the 2nd – 5th September 2019 at the Kambri Centre, ANU, Canberra.
Council has chosen to return to Canberra for ARS-2019, 40 years after the society was established there. Under the conference theme, Resilient future rangelands: integrating environment and livelihoods, we will maintain the usual relevance to land-holders and other practitioners, but we will also put a little more focus than usual on policy issues, including highlighting the overseas application and value of Australian know-how about rangelands.
The conference will be preceded by a variety of fieldtrip options, exploring rangelands both locally and in western NSW/Queensland, then start with a reception late on Monday 2nd September. The core of the event will run from Tuesday 3rd to Thursday 5th lunchtime at Kambri, with a variety of conventional plenaries, parallels and poster sessions, as well as some less conventional roundtables and plenty of opportunities for interaction, influence and learning.
It will be a pleasant time of year in Canberra, and we’ll be meeting in a great new facility, with easy access and ample accommodation nearby. There are opportunities for display booths and for sponsorship of aspects of the conference.
Information about the conference will be updated regularly at the conference website
A call for abstracts against more detailed topics will be made in early February.
Please put the dates in your diary!!