Noelene Duckett, Editor RMN   Email:

This mid-year edition of the newsletter includes updates on a number of recent happenings in the rangeland community.  Firstly, there is feedback from the recently held International Rangeland Congress from our ARS President David Phelps and Travel Award recipient Sarah McDonald.  From these reports, it sounds like the Canadian conference was extremely successful from both an educational and networking perspective.  Don Burnside and Bob Shepherd have also written a great summary of their pre-Congress tour of the Canadian Prairie, described as a “wonderful experience”.  Stay tuned for further IRC feedback from Kate Forrest and John Gavin in the next RMN.

Moving closer to home, I have included highlights from the recent ARS Annual General Meeting – the Directors’ report in particular gives a great summary of the achievements of the Society in 2015.  There is also a  reminder to members that the next round of ARS Travel Awards closes on 30 November so get your applications in soon.

Contributions for the next newsletter

I am always interested in receiving general articles relating to the rangelands which could be included in the next newsletter.  These articles could include descriptions of rangeland travel, interim or final research reports, meeting or conference updates, information about new publications or just general observations/discussion.

The next newsletter is due out in November so please have your articles to me by mid October.