Noelene Duckett, Editor RMN   Email:

Welcome to the final Range Management Newsletter for 2016.   I hope you are enjoy reading the articles in this issue – these include Kate Forrest and John Gavin’s report from the International Rangeland Congress, a 2017 ARS Conference update (note that the organising committee has put out a Call for Abstracts – due 17 March 2017) and a summary of the 2017 membership rates (don’t forget to renew!).   I would also like to draw your attention to Council’s call for nominations for new Fellows of the Society.  Council is able to appoint to two new Fellows so if you know of anyone who has given distinguished service to either the ARS or to the rangelands in general, how about nominating them?

I am always looking for interesting articles about the rangelands.  Feel free to send me conference or meeting notices or reports, thesis summaries, book reviews, research articles, interesting field observations or even links to something of relevance that you may have seen online. The next newsletter will be due out in March 2017 so I would appreciate receiving your contributions by mid-February if possible.

Have a happy, healthy and safe break over Christmas.  I look forward to keeping you up to date with ARS happenings in 2017!