Dionne Walsh, ARS President. Email: dionne@rangeiq.com.au
Welcome to the latest edition of the Range Management Newsletter!
Some of you may have noticed that the ARS has a new logo. Our original logo, designed by Roger Oxley, served us well for many decades. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line the original artwork and files were lost, and we have been relying on versions of ever-decreasing quality. Council decided that it was time for a refresh and we are proud to unveil a modernised logo that retains our original ochre colour whilst also representing all the different climatic zones of the Australian rangelands.
Work and play has taken me to various parts of the rangelands over the past few months, including the Pilbara, western Queensland and western New South Wales. All of these areas are enjoying a magnificent season and it has been wonderful to see so much healthy vegetation and wildlife. However, our thoughts are with those who are experiencing damaging floods and for those who haven’t been so lucky to receive decent growing conditions in recent years. I extend my very best wishes to all for the coming wet season/summer.
Callitris pine country between Cobar and Wilcannia, September 2022
Darling River at Bourke, September 2022