Ron Hacker FARS – Chair, Publications Committee. Email:
New Social Media Editor
Ms Sarah Moles has been appointed as the Society’s new Social Media Editor, responsible for managing our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Sarah has an extensive background in natural resource management advocacy and will bring her experience and expertise to our social media activities as well as to the Publications Committee of which she is an ex officio member. Sarah’s bio is included in this edition of RMN.
A good year for The Rangeland Journal
Last year was a good one for our journal. The flow of papers was sufficient for all six issues of volume 40 to be published within the calendar year. Sometimes, due to various delays, the final issue of a volume may not be published until early the following year, a problem for all journals and a reason why impact factors for any given year are not published until the middle of the next year. Volume 40 ran to 618 pages, slightly in excess of the target of 600 pages contracted with our publisher (CSIRO Publishing) and will thus incur a small excess pages charge that will be covered by the contract provisions for our Special Issues.
New directions for Range Management Newsletter
Council has recently signed off on recommendations from the Publications Committee for some new directions for Range Management Newsletter which will make the RMN more interesting for members. These include the establishment of relationships with other newsletters to share content, publication of lay summaries of suitable papers from The Rangeland Journal, and the soliciting of opinion pieces on topical rangeland issues both nationally and internationally. As part of this process the Society is keen to appoint State correspondents for an initial 12 month trial period. Any member prepared to take on the role of a State correspondent to assist the Editor in identifying topical issues, and obtain articles or opinion pieces relevant to them, should contact the RMN Editor, Dr Noelene Duckett (