With the recent joint International Rangeland and International Grassland Congress coming to an end, attention is now turning to the XII International Rangeland Congress to be held in Adelaide from June 2-6, 2025. The Australian Organising Committee (AOC) is already making good progress in initial planning and a number of Congress Sub-Committees have been formed. The Congress is being held at the Adelaide Convention Centre (deposit paid) and All Occasions Group, an Adelaide-based profession conference organiser, has been contracted to help deliver the Congress. The Australian Rangeland Society is helping support these early financial commitments through some seed funding, which will be repaid to the Society.

The Program Sub-Committee has met and has developed seven sub-themes to underpin the overall Congress Theme of “Working Together for Our Global Rangelands Future”.  A range of Pre-Congress and Mid-Congress tours have been scoped. Pre-Congress tours include Sydney to Adelaide, Longreach to Adelaide, Perth to Adelaide, Darwin to Darwin, and Adelaide to Adelaide. Mid-Congress tour options will take advantage of local attractions including: Local research institutions, Barossa valley wineries, Burra and beyond (mining, pastoralism and Clare valley wineries), Local indigenous cultures, Kangaroo Island, Water management in the Murray River.

The Australian Organising Committee will be working closely with the International Rangeland Congress Continuing Committee, which will be made easier with David Phelps recently elected as President of the Continuing Committee and AOC member, Nicole Spiegel, joining the Continuing Committee as the second Australian representative. With the exciting prospect of 2026 being proclaimed the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists by the United Nations, the AOC will also collaborate with the IYRP secretariat to ensure the congress program and activities provide an important platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities facing rangelands and pastoralists.

The Congress logo, which represents the sun rising over a sand dune, was designed by Caitlin Conradie, a graphic design student, who is also the daughter of current Congress Co-Chair, Pieter Conradie. Many thanks to Caitlin for her great work.