The Australian Rangeland Society Council recently announced that Dr Paul Novelly has been appointed to the role of Editor-in-Chief of The Rangeland Journal.

Paul recently retired from the Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food where he had worked in rangeland management, based in the Kimberley for 19 years and then in Head Office in Perth for the past seven years carrying out research into rangeland condition assessment techniques and the estimation of stock carrying capacities appropriate to the heterogeneous vegetation types common in northern Australia.  Paul was also a Program Leader with the Tropical Savannas Management Cooperative Research Centre.

Paul has a Masters Degree in Agricultural Science from the University of Sydney and a PhD in Rangeland Management from the University of Arizona, USA.

Paul previously worked for the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (on two separate occasions) and for the Victorian Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. He also spent seven years with the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations conducting pasture and rangeland research and development in Brazil.

Paul is currently managing 5 acres of disorganized grassland on the Atherton Tablelands in Queensland.

Paul Novelly


Paul can be contacted about any matters pertaining to The Rangelands Journal at his email address