Sarah Moles is our new Social Media Editor, based on Queensland’s Darling Downs.
She has a long history of involvement in NRM, as well as community engagement and water planning and management in the Murray Darling Basin. She has served on three regional NRM Boards and was a director or the Queensland Murray Darling Committee Inc for six years, three of those as vice president.
She’s been a member of the Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee for more than ten years and has been instrumental to developing some of their most popular communication products – such as the GAB Poster Map and Water Down Under booklet.
Sarah has worked for a number of environment and conservation organisations including some with interests in the rangelands. In the late 1990-early 2000’s she was wetlands conservation officer with WWF and, in collaboration with the relevant landholders, developed the management plans for three Ramsar listed wetlands in the Gwydir valley of NSW. She has also done policy work for the Invasive Species Council and created community outreach and engagement materials for the Inland Rivers Network. More recently, she worked with the Pew Charitable Trusts on a project aimed at restoring strong environmental protections for the former Wild Rivers areas of Queensland’s Channel Country. She is currently an active member of the Australian Floodplain Association.
Sarah’s networks and background in NRM hold her in good stead in terms of understanding the challenges and opportunities facing the rangelands and in sourcing relevant, timely and interesting articles to share with our members, supporters and followers. Originally trained as a photographer, Sarah has an extensive library of photographs taken in the Australian rangelands. You’ll see some of them if you log in to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds.
Sarah encourages contributions from ARS members. Pictures of landholders, traditional owners and researchers going about their rangelands business or visitors enjoying a special place in the outback are always welcome, as is information about upcoming field days, conferences and other events. They can be emailed to