Don Burnside A/ Membership Officer. Email:
The summary
We currently have 204 active members of ARS, including 29 complimentary members.
Renewals are coming in – slowly
As at 19 July, 138 members are financial for 2021. This includes 36 members who have paid to the end of either 2022 or 2023, and one complimentary member who has paid for 2021. This represents 78 per cent of those who need to pay for the current year. Including the complimentaries, we have 165 current for 2021, being 80 per cent of the total.
Those members still to renew
The 40 members who still need to renew for 2021 and beyond will be sent follow-up renewal notices now and will be reminded monthly from then on. Further, those members who have not paid and who receive hard copies of The Rangeland Journal, will have future issues of the journal held back until payment for 2021 is received.
We need to have a strong membership so that we can support our normal activities, our publications and our Biennial Conferences.
To renew your membership, please use your user name and password to get into the Members’ area to the ARS website ( and go to Join Now, and then Renew Now, and all being well you should be able to renew under your existing category of membership. Once you have renewed, you will receive an e-mailed receipt.
If you have forgotten your password, or for some other reason, you cannot get into the members’ area, please advise the Membership Officer, Don Burnside at (0427 357 982) and he will send you up a new temporary password. You will be able to set yourself a new password once you are in the members’ area under My Account >> Account Details.
If you are having any other difficulties renewing, please contact Don and he will do his best to assist.
Membership at 19 July 2021
Category |
Hardcopy Journal |
E-journal | Total |
Complimentary members for 2021 | 7* | 22 | 29 |
Members paid for 2021 already | 73* | 62 | 135 |
Members still to pay | 23 | 17 | 40 |
ARS members | 103 | 101 | 204 |
Institutional subscribers to the Journal | 10 | 79 | 89 |
Grand total |
113 | 180 |
293 |
* one complimentary member has paid for 2021