Don Burnside A/ Membership Officer.  Email:


The Summary

As at 28 April 2020 we have 228 members, including 37 complimentary members.  Ninety (90) members have paid for membership in 2020, being 52 per cent of those who need to renew for 2020 or beyond.


The Detail

Seventy four (74) members have paid for 2020 only, and a further 16 people have paid for the next three year period (2020-2022).  Together with the 26 members already on three year memberships (2018-2020 and 2019-2021), this makes a total of 116 members who are financial so far this year.

A further 75 members will need to renew for 2020 (or 2020-2022 if they elect for the three year membership), and have been sent reminder renewal notices during April.  Please pay as soon as you can, and if you have difficulties, contact


Membership at 28 April 2020
Category Hardcopy Journal + RMN E-journal + RMN RMN only Total
Members still needing to renew in 2020 38 19 18 75
Members paid for 2020 already 70 41 5 116
Complimentary members for 2020 9 28 0 37
ARS members 117 88 23 228
Institutional subscribers to the Journal 10 83 0 93
Grand total 127 171 23 321


Following up ARS2019 attendees who are non-members

We are sending an invitation to join the ARS to all non-members who attended the Canberra conference, reminding them of what a great conference they recently attended and how we can only continue to provide such events if we have a strong membership.


Trends in membership over recent years

As shown in the table below, the Society’s membership has been relatively stable over the last seven years.  We tend to obtain new members in conference years, with some loss of members in the intervening years.


Category 2013 2014 2015* 2016 2017* 2018 2019*
ARS members at 31 December 246 220 221 182 231 209 224**
ARS Members joined during year 26 22 37 38 71 16 39
ARS Members left during year 40 48 36 77 22 38 14
Institutional subscribers to the Journal 90 91 95 90 91 93 93
* conference year  ** this number included 36 people at the end of 2019 holding complimentary membership (recipients of honoraria, Fellows, Associate Editors, prize winners).