Ron Hacker, Chair, Publications Committee.   Email:

A new web site for the Australian Rangeland Society

If you are reading this issue of Range Management Newsletter on-line you will already have been introduced to the Society’s new-look web site. If you are reading the hard copy version I encourage you to take a look at the new website at

Launch of the Society’s new website is a significant milestone in our development as an organisation attuned to the needs of its members. While the former site served us well for a number of years the Society’s investment in this new development bring us into line with current web design standards and platforms, and allows us to take advantage of the contact opportunities offered by social media links. I hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to follow us on Facebook or post a tweet on Twitter. Some feedback on the look and feel of the new website would be greatly appreciated. To facilitate our move into social media the Society is currently contacting Ms Heidi Wright of Wright Social to manage our social media accounts for the next three months, and to develop the documentation which will underpin their long term function. This documentation includes the role statement for the Society’s Social Media Editor who I anticipate will be appointed shortly and who will take over the moderation of the accounts at the termination of Heidi’s contract.

New Associate Editors for The Rangeland Journal

A number of new Associate Editors have recently been appointed to The Rangeland Journal. These include Prof. Anna Cingolani (Argentina), Prof. Ling Wang (China), Prof. Fujiang Hou (China) and Dr Ian Watson (Australia).  While the majority of Associate Editors are Australian these appointments reflect the growing international stature of the Journal. They join Associate Editors who, in addition to Australia, are drawn from USA, France, and Botswana.

Move to digital production of the Range Management Newsletter

Members have been advised previously through this Newsletter and the flyer distributed at the Alice Springs conference of Council’s desire to phase out hard copy production of the Range Management Newsletter. This move is in line with trends in a number of other similar newsletters and will reduce costs to the Society. Members were invited to express their concerns, if any, about this move but no adverse comment has been received.  Council has therefore determined that hard copy production will cease at the end of 2015. The current issue of Range Management Newsletterwill then be available only through the members’ area of the website. All other issues will be available through the public area of the web site.