Have you considered publishing an article in The Rangeland Journal but would like it to be freely accessible by all readers and not just subscribers? The Rangeland Journal offers authors the option to publish your paper as Open Access on payment of an Open Access Author Fee. More information is available at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/rj/forauthors/openaccess.

CSIRO Publishing has recently partnered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to provide authors with a fast and convenient way to select options for publication and pay any author charges. Corresponding authors of The Rangeland Journal papers will now receive an email from the CCC shortly after manuscript acceptance with information on how to select options for publication – open access or colour in print – and complete payment (if any) of author charges on the CCC’s RightsLink Author platform. To clarify, accepted articles cannot be published until corresponding authors have selected options in the CCC’S RightsLink portal (for exampleif authors do not wish to pay for open access and/or colour figures, they would decline all offers in the RightsLink portal).

Don’t forget – if you are an ARS member, you are entitled to a discount of 50% off this open access charge. Please contact Dr Don Burnside (don.burnside@iinet.net.au) to request your discount code to use in RightsLink if you wish to take up this offer.