Run! Don’t walk!

The Australian Organising Committee of the XII International Rangeland Congress, on behalf of the Australian Rangeland Society and the International Rangeland Congress Continuing Committee, invites you to participate in the International Rangeland Congress to be held June 2-6, 2025 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia.

The last time it was held in Australia was 1999, so don’t waste a wonderful opportunity to engage in some ground breaking conversations and presentations.

They’ve just released a very informative and rather exciting fourth announcement. It contains information on

  • keynote speakers
  • registration (early bird registration is open)
  • program themes
  • tours and
  • abstracts are being accepted until 2 July.

Click here to download the International Rangelands Congress 4th Announcement.

Do you have an abstract ? They would love to hear from you. The deadline to submit an abstract has been extended to July 2, 2024. Submit them here.

Early bird registration is now open and will be available until September 30, 2024.

Register here