The Society publishes The Rangeland Journal. This is an International Journal for managing natural resources, improving remote living and sustaining businesses in unpredictable and harsh environments, especially in arid regions.
Six issues are published each year. The Journal is abstracted and/or indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded, ABOA, Agricola, CAB International, The ISI Alerting Services, and Current Contents (Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences).
The Rangeland Journal publishes original work that makes a significant contribution to understanding the biophysical, social, cultural, economic, and policy influences affecting rangeland use and management throughout the world. Rangelands are defined broadly and include all those environments where natural ecological processes predominate, and where values and benefits are based primarily on natural resources. Papers may present the results of original research, contributions to theory, practice or policy, or new conclusions reached from the review of a topic. Their structure need not conform to that of standard scientific articles but writing style must be clear and concise. All material presented must be well documented, critically analysed and objectively presented. All papers are peer reviewed.
Key topics covered by the journal include:
Social-economic-ecological systems
- Resilience of systems
- Climate-soil-plant-animal-people interactions
- Climate variability and change
- Governance, policy and adaptive capacity
- Remote living
- Innovation
Ecological function and processes
- Soil, plant and wildlife biology/ecology
- Landscape ecology
- Ecosystem services
- Fire
Land and Water Resources
- Rangeland inventory and monitoring
- Water resources
- Biological and cultural resources
Utilisation and management of resources
- Livestock, wildlife and niche-market production systems
- Pests and weeds
- Mining and rehabilitation
- Tourism and recreation
- Water management
Conservation of biological and cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage values
- Reserve and off-reserve conservation
The Journal is published by CSIRO Publishing. A generous discount of 20% on all books purchased from CSIRO Publishing is available to members of the Society. Details on how to obtain this generous discount are in the Members Area.
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All earlier issues of the Journal have been scanned and are available under certain circumstances on the CSIRO Publishing website at
The Rangeland Journal: ISSN 1036-9872
Official Journal of The Australian Rangeland Society
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Instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available online. Manuscripts should be submitted using CSIRO Publishing’s online journal management system, ScholarOne Manuscripts, which can be reached from the Journal’s homepage.
For further enquiries contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr Paul Novelly ( ).
Editorial Committee
Dr Paul Novelly
Associate Editors
Professor Bernard Hubert
National Institute for Agricultural Research, FRANCE
Dr Tony Pressland
University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Dr Mark Stafford-Smith
Associate Professor O. Pauline Dube
University of Botswana, BOTSWANA
Dr Digby Race
Australian National University, AUSTRALIA
Professor Glenda M. Wardle
The University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Dr Ian Watson
Professor Anna Cingolani
Córdoba National University, ARGENTINA
Professor Ling Wang,
Northeast Normal University, CHINA
Professor Fujiang Hou
Lanzhou University, CHINA
Assistant Professor Amin Mugera
University of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA
Dr Ann Waters-Bayer
Royal Tropical Institute, NETHERLANDS
Professor Graciela Metternicht
University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
Dr Steven Bray
QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, AUSTRALIA
Advisory Editors
Dr Joel Brown
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, USA
Dr Margaret H. Friedel
Professor Iain Gordon
James Cook University, AUSTRALIA
Professor Jikun Huang
Peking University, CHINA
Professor Osvaldo Sala
Arizona State University, USA
Professor Deli Wang
Northeast Normal University, CHINA
Dr Ann Waters-Bayer
Royal Tropical Institute, NETHERLANDS
Dr Iain Wright,
International Livestock Research Institute, ETHIOPIA
Dr Brandon Bestelmeyer,
USDA-ARS Range Management Research Unit, USA