An honours student, Ms Camille Page at the University of Queensland, is doing an interesting research project looking into producers’ perspectives. This project will explore regenerative agriculture as a social phenomenon, and reveal the differences, if any, in values and worldviews between farmers practicing regenerative agriculture, and farmers practicing more conventional methods of agricultural production. This project is being undertaken because of the recent surge of interest in regenerative agriculture in media and even in parts of our industry.
For this research, Camille is looking for approximately 60 people to participate in a voluntary postal survey. The data generated from this survey will be used to explore the range of reactions to these issues. A small number of follow up, semi-structured interviews with participants may also be conducted, if there is time, to go into more details.
The criteria for participation are:
- You must be over 18 years old and live in Australia
- You are primarily a livestock producer
- You practice either ‘conventional’ farming methods, or regenerative methods of production
If you are interested in participating in this voluntary study, please head to the following link:
Here you can read some more information about the study. After reading the information, there is space to enter your contact information so we can post the survey to you. This survey collating perspectives regarding regenerative agriculture is completely voluntary.
If you have any further questions, you can contact the research team by email:
This study has ethical approval from the University of Queensland.